Why: Some patients have compromised airways as part of their medical emergencies. Poorly managed airways can lead to respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological complications, patient deterioration and death. Prehospital airway management practices vary widely across the country leading to inconsistencies in care delivery and potentially compromising patient safety and outcomes. 

What are we doing: The National EMS Quality Alliance (NEMSQA), is leading the second national EMS Quality Improvement Partnership (EQuIP) collaborative to put the new NEMSQA airway measures to work. This project is the sequel to the Lights and Siren Collaborative and will utilize the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Breakthrough Series collaborative model. The goal of the project is to support national improvement in the safety and effectiveness of invasive airway management by focusing on two goals: improving the use of waveform capnography to confirm and monitor all invasive airways and reducing the adverse events such as peri-intubation hypoxia and hypotension. Three NEMSQA airway measures will be used to support improvements:

  • Airway-18: Successful invasive airway procedures (SGA & ETI) performed during an EMS response in which waveform capnography is used for tube placement confirmation and monitoring. (All participants)
  • Respiratory-02: Patients with hypoxia who received oxygen is administered. (All participants)
  • Airway-01: Successful ETI on first attempt without documented hypotension or hypoxia during the peri-intubation period. (ETI outside of cardiac arrest)
Benefits of Participation: 
  • Drive meaningful and measurable improvements in prehospital airway management.
  • FREE Education and shared learning from national content experts and peers
  • Knowledge sharing and networking with other participating agencies
  • Learning evidence-based QI techniques
  • Access to change ideas and improvement strategies
  • Quarterly live sessions
  • 1:1 coaching
  • Data analysis assistance
  • Credit as a participant in the national collaborative in the final published change package
Participant Expectations:
  • Participate in up to 4 virtual Learning Sessions (~4 hours per session)
  • Share performance data on the quality measures Airway-18, Respiratory-02 and Airway-01 if applicable.  
  • Implement strategies from the change package for improvement and share your experience with the larger learning collaborative
  • Document and share qualitative data on improvement efforts (i.e. PDSA cycles) with the larger learning collaborative
  • Must be a NEMSQA Agency Member

Join us as a leader, transforming prehospital airway management to be safer and more reliable nationwide.

How to Join: Apply now. Participation is limited to 50 EMS agencies/systems.

Start Date: Program to start in September 2024.

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